Matthew 10:42 And if anyone gives even a even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.
It is not often that I share with you the background stories of our children here. I sometimes forget that these boistrous, joyful, passionate, children have such tragic stories. Their histories are incredibly powerful, so today I would like to share with you the story of a sweet young lady named Nkugami. Her story speaks for itself about the importance of this ministry, and the redemptive beauty of God's love. I am continually amazed at her maturity, selflessness, and joyful heart. She spends much of her time caring for a young girl named Christie who has physical and mental challenges. She never complains that she misses out on activites and leisure time to care for Christie. It is precious to watch Nkugami love and care for her. My heart just swells when I see the two of them together. Here is her story in her own words:
My name is Nkugami Takpando from Yendi, in the northern region of Ghana. I am 14 years old and in grade 6.
This is why I came to the Village of Hope:
One afternoon, my mother called me and this is what she said to me, “Nkugami, very soon you will leave here for another place. Promise me that you will be a good girl.” Just after she said that she laid down on the bed and died. My father went out to buy a coffin to burry my mother. My father returned with the coffin, and put it in a room. When he was asked to go and bring the coffin from the room, looking at the coffin alone in the room, he also fell and died instantly.
Life became hard. I was like chaff that the wind blows anywhere it wants. Besides my parents death, there were several other deaths in my family sequentially. The only hope was my grandmother who moved me from my town to a distant land with the fear that I may also die.
I was five years then, I had to work on people’s farms for daily bread. Hope was lost, no future for me. I was always weeping and mourning. No education, clothing, and shelter was VERY hard. My health matter was horrible because there was no proper food and proper balanced diet. As a result, I almost died of sickness. I couldn’t read or write.
One day the Village of Hope came to my aid. My mourning turned into dancing and laughter. Now I can write and read. Village of Hope has given me everything- including shelter, education, health, clothing, etc. My vision is to become a trained teacher to help others who may have happened to go through such problems. God help me. Amen.