Monday, May 2, 2011

The loves of my life

The past week has been such a joy. I have rediscovered the joy of just being with the kids. They finished exams last week on Thursday and it has been so wonderful to just be with them and not have to be in the role of disciplinarian and educator all the time. The last 1.5 years I have scheduled myself in such a way that I barely have time to just sit down and have conversation and play soccer with them. I am excited about trying to do as little “work” as possible in the next few weeks so that I can just spend time loving on the kids. I am always jealous of visitors that come and get to just play all the time! I know it can’t always be like that, kids do need to know how to read, but for a few weeks I will relish this time.
There have been so many moments in the last week that I just stop and my heart bursts with love for my children. Yesterday I sat down next to a kid in the grass outside of my house, and within a matter of minutes we had a whole crowd sitting with us, Joseph with his tough exterior and heart just crying for attention, Francis with his sweet notes and gifts of mangoes, kids shouting my name from the field every time I pass, hugs from high schools home on break, walking the to the library for reading night and the Linary house children were fighting over who got to hold my hand, playing soccer for endless hours in the sand, reading stories with kids sitting on the steps, high fiving our 9th grade students as they walk out of their BECE exam room every day this week, watching groups of girls singing as they walk down the path to fetch water… I feel so blessed to be able to share love with these precious children. This week I have had such a renewed sense of joy at just being with them. With every knock on the door and request for batteries, bandages, pencils, etc. I strive to see the child whom Jesus formed and loves endlessly and my heart is full.

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